• Overview

 • The Forest, the Indians, and the Yeoman Family

 • Planters and Slaves

 • Towns in a Rural Society

 • The Culture of the Republic

The State House, Raleigh
State House (1794, burned 1831), Raleigh

When the shooting of the American Revolution died away, North Carolinians continued to work out the meaning of independence in the fabric of their daily lives. An Independent People describes how these efforts toward independence left their marks on public and private life.

Early republican North Carolina was no egalitarian utopia. Most African Americans were slaves, Indians were more threatened than before the war, and all women remained subordinate to men. In the years after the Revolution, however, free North Carolinians wrote their first constitution, opened the first state university, and transformed their churches in a stirring revival of religion.

By 1820, North Carolinians were facing the insistent reality that one cycle of adjustment would not be enough. The demands of independence would call for repeated bursts of wrenching transformations.


Presented by
The North Carolina Office of Archives & History
in association with
The University of North Carolina Press
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